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About us

who we are

We, Kerstin and Andreas, fell in love with each other 20 years ago. Despite having very different personalities, we share a passion for the outdoors, the arts, animals and meeting people. After taking a year to travel the world we became inspired to integrate these passions more deeply in our own lives, in addition to the lives of others. Our desire to create a place for movement and ease is now coming true at the Tenuta di Poggiolame. Bennie, our dog, has joined us in 2019 and has become an indispensable companion for us.

At the heart of our mission is a method called Myoreflex Therapy, a method that originated in Southern Germany and Austria.

A Myoreflex practitioner acts as a detective, working with the client to unravel the biomechanical pathways and history of their pain. A session involves pressure on muscle insertions and active movement to stimulate reflex arches for self-regulation of myofascial tone. Kerstin combines Myoreflex with her vast knowledge of movement to benefit the client. She collaborates closely with Myoreflex founder Dr. Kurt Mosetter and heads the Viennese training program for Embodied Myoreflex Practice. Myoreflex sessions are the core of the health weeks, allowing for support throughout the healing process. Our body-oriented practices promote healing through muscle and fascia-based body-work and movement sessions, but our approach to being well does not end there.

Good health does not begin or end with the body, or the mind. Health and its environment are in close dialogue. At Tenuta di Poggiolame we work with nature by using permacultural farming methods to supply ourselves with healthy food, air, and water.

Amongst the hills and valleys of Umbria, you can enjoy walks in the surrounding woods and meadows, or dip into cold springs. We also offer opportunities for communal activities like gardening, making olive oil, and harvesting walnuts and cherries. At the heart of our activities is the experience of being embodied, from moment to moment.


ImPulsTanz Country Retreats
Italian Health Retreat
Rückenglück & Myoreflex
Personal Retreat

ImPulsTanz Country Retreats

Time to dance and live together

Between May and October 2024, ImPulsTanz invites you to its unique workshops in Italy. Six internationally renowned artists will teach dance and bodywork for one week each. The retreat includes four hours of movement daily as well as two half days off to discover the beautiful Umbrian landscape, go swimming, enjoy the local towns or simply let your soul dangle under the Italian sun. All workshops are open level.

Infos & booking

Italian Health Retreat – in touch, motion, and nature.

Embodied Myoreflex Practice, low-glucose diet, complementary movement and bodywork
Dr. Kerstin Kussmaul and team.

  • Short version: September 14-18, 2024

  • Long version: September 14-21, 2024

The multidimensional and interdisciplinary concept of Embodied Myoreflex Practice is the cornerstone of the Health Retreat. We uncover tense muscle structures and corresponding body impulses and make them conscious through touch. The treatment holds up a mirror to the human organism, and initiates regulation along the way. Neurophysiological, biochemical function, as well as neuropsychological processes, play a crucial role in effectively influencing the regenerative process and enhancing your well-being.

Morning gentle movements are combined with daily myoreflex and movement analysis, lectures, and other methods such as Somatic Experiencing® and Integrative Deep Tissue Release. Nutrition based on the glycoplan (low-glucose & fructose) positively influences muscle metabolism. The untouched nature of the Umbrian hills and the associated silence add to the experience. We recommend digital detox, and if necessary, Wi-Fi is available.

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Rückenglück & Myoreflex

30.6.-6.7. 2024 (Programme in German only!)

Das Rückenglück & Myoreflex Retreat Anfang Juli bietet den perfekten Rahmen für tiefgehende Entspannung, körperlichen und mentalen Ausgleich, und es ist – für diejenigen, die es wünschen – das perfekte Ambiente für eine Woche Entschleunigung und Digital Detox fernab jeglicher Technik. Es gibt zwar an einer Stelle des Hauses WLAN-Internet, aber die abgeschiedene Lage lädt auf charmante Art und Weise dazu ein, sich ganz auf das Hier und Jetzt zu besinnen.


  • 11 Einheiten & eine Myoreflex Einzelstunde

  • 7 spezielle Rückenglück Trainingseinheiten (Michaela Kratky) mit den Schwerpunkten: Hals- Nacken-, Schulterbereich, Schwerpunkt unterer Rücken LWS, Dehnen, tiefliegende Bauchmuskeln mit Balance & Beckenboden, reine Entspannung mit PMR, Atmen & Augenentspannung, Beweglichkeit & Rotationen 

  • 4 Einheiten Myoreflextraining (The Psoas Connection / Kerstin Kussmaul) 
    Als ganzheitlich orientierte Therapieform beinhaltet das Myoreflextraining Erkenntnisse aus traditioneller chinesischer und tibetischer Medizin ebenso wie Forschung aus der aktuellen Hochschulmedizin. 

  • Das interdisziplinäre Konzept der Myoreflex-Methode deckt verspannte Muskelstrukturen auf, und macht sie durch Berührung und Bewegung bewusst. Myoreflex wird häufig von Physiotherapeuten/innen, Osteopathen/innen und Bewegungstherapeuten/innen zur Rehabilitation, Prävention und Leistungssteigerung, und im Profisport eingesetzt. Myoreflex in Bewegung beinhaltet spezifische Bewegungsübungen, die die Selbstwahrnehmung verbessern und die Bewegungsfreiheit erhöhen. 

  • Neben den Gruppenstunden ist in der Retreat-Pauschale pro Teilnehmer/in auch eine Einzelstunde(50 Minuten) inkludiert. 

  • Kerstin legt besonderen Wert auf das Verständnis der systemischen Biogeometrie - inklusive leicht erlernbarer Prinzipien und Übungen - um den Teilnehmer/innen Selbstwirksamkeit in Bezug auf Bewegungsverhalten und Schmerzfreiheit zu vermitteln.

Trainingsmatten & Thera-Bänder:

Es gibt ausreichend Yogamatten und Thera-Bänder vor Ort.
Wer aber lieber seine eigene Trainingsmatte oder sein Thera-Band nutzen möchte, kann diese natürlich mitbringen.

Maximale Teilnehmer/innen Anzahl

20 Personen


Für die Teilnahme an den Trainingseinheiten sind keinerlei Vorkenntnisse / Vorerfahrungen nötig. Im Unterricht wird auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Problemfelder der Anwesenden eingegangen.

Jetzt anfragen

Personal Retreat

These retreats are tailored towards your availability. Come for 3 days or more to restore your energy and to re-start your well-being so you find beneficial and joyful ways of treating yourself in everyday life.

  • 3+ days

  • Daily Myoreflex sessions (50 minutes)

  • Morning movement class (75 minutes)

  • Stay in well-equipped apartments with a private kitchen and bathroom

  • Access to organic products available from the farm


  • € 660,- for 3 days (additional day: € 200,-)

  • € 75.-  for 3 days for accompanying person in the same room without Myoreflex therapy sessions

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Inside out & Bollywood – Fantastic Fun meets Creative Process

Bollywood Dance 

is the essence of Indian Bollywood films that has retained the flavour of musicals. Constantly influenced by the changing trends, Bollywood Dance culture borrows from both traditional and western pop dance culture. It deals with the complexities of the traditional Kathak footwork and Mudras (hand gestures) along with some groovy folkdance moves from across the countryside. We explore the wonderful world of Abhinaya (facial expression, some may call them face contortions) and the world of Mujra – the controversial sensual dance of the tragic courtesan of the 1970s, then master the urban cool routines of the current chart busters. The music is loud and so are we. There is a dress code: anything colourful, glistening and happy.

Inside Out  

Inside out is a technique developed by Terence Lewis for the participants to create their original dances by exploring the inner hidden landscapes of their subconscious and conscious minds. The process involves practices like meditation and breathwork, decoding individual patterns, tarot readings, spirit animal identification, and using spontaneous dance combustion to unleash your artistic potential! From these exercises and processes dancers will delve deeper into their psyche and use the generated material to create a deeply honest dance vocabulary. Terence’s mentoring will guide towards and culminate in an informal sharing of the artistic process at the end of the retreat.

Infos & booking

Un/folding & Rewilding – Deep Diving into somatic ecologies of movement

Glenna Batson - Encountering the f/old 

Folding is the substrate of worldly engagement, a living continuum of dimension and depth. What can a f/old be? Anything and everything…but above all, folding is a catalytic process of change. This play shop offers an immersion into the multi-materialities of bodily fold/folding as an impulse for freeing fresh states of embodiment. Rooted in the perceiving, somatic body, the f/old practice offers a sensory-rich field, free from cultural constraints. Glenna will gently guide the group into fleshy portals to greet the unknown, deepening into folding dynamics, as they hover, loom, dissolve and resolve into new layers of communicative power. Through partnering with the corporeal, the environment and with mixed media (paper/fabric/debris), participants will uncover eclipsed states of being. What emerges will be a rewilding of our dormant and hidden selves. No specific movement or somatic training is necessary to join in this divine entanglement.

Kerstin Kussmaul- Rewilding your matrix
let your fascia talk to your nervous system 

By bringing "matrix" and "rewilding" together, we transform our awareness of the self as part of an environment. We apply the concept of rewilding, traditionally associated with restoring ecological balance, to our inner environment - the extracellular matrix, which is part of the fascial (= connective tissue) system. We focus on the connection of the extracellular matrix to the autonomic nervous system as a "knowing with"; a simultaneous sensing from within and without. The aim of the workshop is to expand the fields of action, the perception of ourselves as actors in an ecosystem - human and beyond the human components - and to generate somatic artistic acts.

Through tactile experiences, improvisation and easy-to-learn techniques such as rocking, we expand the possibilities for experience and action within ourselves.  Repetition and variation become a rhythmic dance that keeps our nervous system moving dynamically and makes it easier to let go. The profound effects of this journey are not only on ourselves, but also on the collective group dynamic. 

We let the echo of this exploration reverberate in the world to foster a sense of lightness, creativity and artistic expression. Last but not least, to embrace a sense of connection with our immediate environment.

Glenna and Kerstin will interweave their teaching to engage the group in a somatic journey, one oscillating between the many expressions of folding and fascia. 

Infos & booking

After the Gold Rush – Yoga, Country Line Dancing, and the Chorus Line reinterpret Spaghetti Western

After The Gold Rush is a post-apocalyptic, country chorus line-dance Spaghetti Western. Yes, that's right, we are making a film!!! It is going to be the greatest DIY collaborative art project of your life! We have an amazing inspiring set, Artis Umbria, Italy! There will be daily Yoga and Country Line Dance class to ground and inform our bodies in this experimental process, but then, anything goes! We are going to create a multi-layered artistic experience based on everyone’s desires and passion together! No film, performance or movement experience necessary! This retreat seeks to affirm the collective alchemy of transforming our daily lives into art, where everything can be fuel for the creative fire! We will lean into the genre of the Spaghetti Western for inspiration and direction. Bring a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, a western belt, a leotard and your favorite color tights. That's our costume!

Some of the things we might or might not do:

Film how the villain arrives at the local train station. Borrow the neighbour‘s horses for decor. Make a hand-based line dance on a historic tea time set table. Sing together with piano. Or ukulele. Or a cappella (without instruments). Go line dancing at night at the summer village fests in the area. Do a spaghetti western movie night. Discuss how a queer-feminist spaghetti western might look like.

Infos & booking

Wit(h)nessing – Inner and outer habitats

The primary prospect of this meeting is to accompany individuals to relate to their own selves and reflect on their needs, resources, ideas; to relate their physical and social environment in playful and joyful ways.

This week WE will dive deeper into the layers of our presence; to seek a conscious yet liberated and sovereign place to move from. Together WE will be tuning into our physical, emotional and mental foundation(s). WE will be working with the sensations and anatomical make up of our bodies, directing our awareness to inner and outer stimuli.

Being WITH and focusing on our self, other beings, and the abundant nature around us; training tuning in and out… Being WITNESS to our self, other beings, and the stimulating environment, training care and response-ability… Towards spontaneity and creativity.

It will be important and necessary for us to be willing to co-create a container that allows each one to transform, discover/recover, reconnect to their potential as artist, researcher, teacher, facilitator, student; to be a curious being on this planet. There will be a clear time-space frame to hold what is being born in our togetherness. We are invited to reach out to other means of expression (movement, drawing, sound, sculpting, writing…) to encounter our own inner and outer landscape from a new, different perspective.

“Every Body Knows” and “Hunting Gathering Cultivating” sessions will be our main practice islands; beyond this many modalities ranging from Wheel of Consent, Somatic Experiencing to Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Expressive Arts Therapy to Instant Composition will be at our service.

Looking forwards to this joyfully serious, seriously joyful week that WE will co-create!

Infos & booking

The Presence of Spirals – Qi Gong, Dao Yin & Butoh

Dao Yin training will wind and unwind the tissues with particular attention given to the spine and the various connections running through the torso to the arms and legs.

Qi Gong benefits from a Dao Yin pairing. Where Dao Yin will open the pathways, Qi Gong develops the quality of what travels those pathways. Both Dao Yin and Qi Gong rely on the strength of the lower Dan Tian. “Tian” translates to “field” which in the case of the lower Dan Tian refers to a containment (Yin) field that holds the activating (Yang) Qi.

Shifting our focus, sensorial and creative responsiveness then flourish through rigorous physical and improvisational training rooted in Butoh Dance.

Following the inherent spiral pathways within the body, this workshop develops the efficiency and connective strength of our tissues.  With observation, the beauty of our construction emerges. We aim to produce elastic, tensile strength in our expression, whether quotidian or flamboyant. 

With a stable foundation, enter the unknown. Become wild. Let go into chaos or serenity. Presence allows us to open, to fly through the clouds of the mind and smooth out the nerves. Becoming receptive, opportunities visit us. Disciplined explorations, deconstructions and compositions develop the skills for clear, decisive and playful responses to the moment.

Infos & booking

What's included in our ImPulsTanz Country workshops

  • Accommodation for 8 days (7 nights)

  • 3 vegetarian meals daily

  • Two movement sessions daily (120 minutes each)

  • Talks with the teachers

  • Access to pool and all other amenities of Tenuta di Poggiolame

  • Shuttle to and from train station Fabro-Ficulle


Total costs for 8 days (7 nights) per person: from € 1,200 to € 1,630 (single, double or triple room, private or shared bathroom)
*All ImPulsTanz workshop pass holders get a 10% discount on the Country Retreats.

Number of participants: max. 20

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Our special offer

BYO Retreat

Besides offering our own retreats, we welcome retreats by other hosts offering arts, creativity, culinary/nutritional, mediation, dance, healing, outdoor retreats, and more. Talk to us to see if Tenuta di Poggiolame might be a good fit for you!

  • more than 200 m² terrace

  • dance studio 200 m²

  • Historic pink salon with open fire place 70m²

  • unlimited outdoor space on the property

  • kitchen, dining room, piano, veggie garden, chicken

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